Collective Voices for Change (CVFC) is an international initiative committed to building a new and equitable social fabric in the Jazz dance community. We are not affiliated with any political party or political organisation. Our vision is to help transform the current dance scene into a respectful and appreciative environment for everyone to enjoy. We are reaching out to ALL JAZZ DANCERS, practitioners (social dancers, dance school students, volunteers, hobbyists, attendees…) and professionals (school owners/teachers, event organisers, international instructors, band leaders, musicians, DJs, MCs…) alike, so that we can work collectively to bring about positive change
We believe that our current international Jazz dance community, as it is today, is not welcoming to everyone as many voices of Black, POC and other members of the community have said over the past years. We believe that the current relationship the Jazz dance community has with Lindy Hop and other African American vernacular jazz dances (AAVJD) is appropriative, contributing to the erasure of Black artists (past and present) and the gentrification of one of the greatest Black American art forms. This needs to change now!
Lindy Hop and other African American Vernacular Jazz dances are African American art forms associated with the cultural values and aesthetics of Black American culture. Jazz dancing, rooted in the African American culture, is telling the story of people who survived despite oppressions still affecting them to this day. To remove these very core facts (the history, social context, and cultural values) out of the dances and the music is appropriative, disrespectful, and deeply damaging to the people most connected to the original culture. By removing the soul, the spiritual expression of the oppressed, we are depriving the jazz dance community of this spiritual journey and doing everyone a disservice.
As guests of a culture that doesn’t belong to us, as practitioners and/or professionals of this art form, it is in our power to right this wrong.
We want to help the community use its unique power to challenge discrimination, promote social justice, and protect the cultural heritage belonging to African-American people.
We want the Jazz dance community to be mindful, respectful, and honorable, always tracing the lineage, and always empowering the voices of Black people (past and present). These voices echo those that fought against dehumanising oppression by creating an art form in which they could exist and be free; an art form that, against all odds, changed a world that displaced, enslaved, and tried to erase their voices. We do not want to be complicit by our silence or inaction but want to be the champions for this fight still going on today.
Through conversations, education, and anti-racist training, CVFC invites all Jazz professionals to come together and work toward a transformation of our Jazz dance community to be against racism, discrimination, and social injustice.
Identify Deep Rooted Issues
To create a platform by and for the Jazz dance community, that can be used to address different issues faced by the scene led by people who are concerned about each issue. These projects will be led by different individuals.
Create Space To Facilitate Change
As the current board members, our role is to facilitate the process. Our vision is to create a working space that will evolve over time as more people enter the conversation.
Activate Local Dance Communities
With everyone’s participation, we want to build the resources to bring about tangible changes in each local community and in the larger structure of our social fabric.